Monday, October 19, 2015

This is Anarlunan, adopted from snowflake12298.
I slunk around the edges of Loyin Village. Almost all the teenagers and children in the village were bouncing from house house, in a holiday I believed was called The Night of Haunts ((basically Halloween)). Normally, I wouldn't care about human festivities, but what made me approach this village was the candy. Now that I looked about the village, however, I could see many dragons scattered about- a black StormCutter and a pink one dressed in Halloween-like clothing were arguing and growling at eachother, an annoyed-looking Nadder dressed as a vampire followed obediently after a dark-haired human, a Monstrous Nightmare and a Skrill were jumping about, following a brown-haired human.

I narrowed my bright green eyes, confused. Were these dragons under the control of the humans? I paused before shrugging the thought off- I wasn't under the control of humans and I was technically in the village, so that couldn't be it. Returning my focus on obtaining candy, I slid around quickly to the opposite side of the surprisingly large village. There was one giant house, most likely the Chief's house. There were four other houses surrounding the giant one.

Looking closer, I could see some of the humans from before. I ducked behind the largest house, eyes narrowed warily. All but one of the humans eventually went into their own houses- I guessed some of them were related to eachother. I carefully crept around the side of the large house, peering around the front. Almost immediately, I could smell candy- not from the other areas, but in a close proximity. Frowning, I tried to trace the scent, jumping backwards in alarm when one of the two humans spoke up. "You're looking for candy, right?" I glared upwards, hissing, before realizing she was speaking to me and nodded warily.

"I thought so- I could see you walking around the edges of the village," the girl continued, walking up a few steps in front of the house and picking up a surprisingly large bag, filled with candy, and handed it over to me. I grasped the open ends in my jaws- it would have less of a chance to slip and have candy slip out like this. I started to back up, preparing to fly away, when the human spoke up again. "If you come back during the Night of Haunts every year, I can get you more candy each time." I looked up immediately, nodding with the bag of candy still in my mouth. The human nodded too, clearly pleased for some reason.

She headed back up the steps to the house, which I assumed was hers, calling to me, "I'll see you on the next Night of Haunts!" Before she headed into the house. I nodded again, although she couldn't see it, and flew away from the village, content with the bag of candy I now held.

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